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Building a Segment


Build a new segment with our + New Segment button!

How It Works

In order to successfully build a segment, we're helping you with a few workflows, 

  1. Building Your Segments
      • Navigate to Targeted Segments > + New Segment
      • Name your segment and describe it under Segment Detail (Segment Title, Segment Description..)
  1. Choosing Your Source 
    • Manage how we identify groups in the front-end. Define the source that we should inspect and the property to read by selecting an option under Source.
        • Source can be Data Layer, Window Variable, or Script Parameter. 
            • Data Layer is layer of your website which contains all of the data that gets generated by visitors engaging with your website. It is a JavaScript object that collects data on your website in a standardized way and by using this source SG technology is able to read the data being passed securely and quickly. 
            • Window Variable means you will be accessing the data through the variable being declared at the global scope In JavaScript. 
            • Script Parameter means you will be accessing the data through a script. The script parameter can be used (but not modified) within a script and can be passed along to sub-scripts by using the Get(ScriptParameter) function as the parameter for the sub-script. 
  2.  Identify Your Groups
    • Define the front-end property that we should retrieve under Front-end Property. 
    • Define the property name that will be added to the UserExtensions object in your API call to create the sale. Back-end Property will be used to identify your segment.
    • Please note, they should match. 

4. Specify the Value

    • Specify the Value (any, specific, none) that targets the group of customers for your segment.
        • Any means you are targeting any source with any value. 
        • Specific means you are looking for and targeting a very defined value.   
        • None means you are targeting a value with nothing in it and are not looking for a value. 

5. Choose to exclude or add a multiplier

  • Choose to exclude the segment from all donations. 
      • In doing this action, you'll be able to "exclude" anyone that is not incentivized for example. After you define a group, you can opt to exclude them from an incentive and HIDE giving incentives entirely while showing them to others. 
      • For example, you may want to exclude international buyers and only show an incentive to shoppers in the US. 
  • Set a multiplier (incentive) for the specific segment. 
      • In doing this action, you're adding a multiplier to your store settings giving experience. 
      • For example, if your store is set to give back 5% and you add a multiplier for a group for "2,"  your targeted audience will receive a special incentive to give back 10%.