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  3. ShoppingGives for Enterprise Merchants

Cause Search Removal


On our Impact Plus and above plans, you have the ability to set featured causes to encourage customers to support your favorite causes. When using the Let Your Customer Choose giving experience in your Global Settings, the customer always has the option to search and select their own cause by default, but we understand that you may have specific causes that align with your brand. 

You can still allow your customers to select their own cause, but you now also have the option to remove the search bar, which means that customers can only select one of your featured causes to support. Please note that in order to remove the search bar, you must have at least one featured cause set.

If you are using the Donate to Causes You Set giving experience in your Global Settings, the cause search will automatically be turned off.

As a base-tier Impact Starter partner, you will be unable to enable customer search unless you’ve added the Nonprofit Choice a la carte feature to your plan for an additional monthly fee (learn more here!)

How it Works

  1. Open the ShoppingGives Impact Portal

  2. Navigate to Causes from the left-hand menu:

  3. From the Featured Causes tab and the Customer Search Bar section, click the Turn Off button, then save your changes!