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  2. For Merchants & Businesses
  3. ShoppingGives for Enterprise Merchants

Inviting Team Members to Your Store


Share your store with more members of your team! Invite team members to your portal to help manage your ShoppingGives app. 

As an organization, we know you can't do it all alone and the more, the merrier! 

  • Example: You are a store owner and have a digital marketer on the team you want to see the Impact Portal. 

We’re excited to help you expand your users as your business grows and support you along the way. The above screenshot says, "no team members, yet!" Let's change that together! 


How to Add Team Members

In order to successfully add a new team member we’ve broken out a few easy steps you need to take in order to succeed: 

    1. Login to the Impact Portal. 
    2. Navigate to bottom left corner > Settings
    3. Click on Team Management
    4. Click on Invite Team Members
    5. You'll see the User Management screen (below) where you can fill in details,
        • First Name
        • Last Name
        • Email
        • User Role (Store Owner) is a preset
    6. Be sure to click Save! 🎉

Additional Info

  • Q: Can I add many team members to my store?
    A: Yes, unlimited! 
  • Q: Can I remove team members?
    A: Yes! Just click on the team member name and remove access.